
a congested spring leopard.

the weather around us in california is unbearably indecisive. its hot and humid one day, then suddenly chilly as hell and pouring rain. just when i was packing away my wool coats, it becomes insanely cold enough to grow frostbite on my jewish/scythian/greek nose. los angeles has nothing on us. not only is the weather miserably beautiful, my sinuses are congested like no tomorrow. happy freakin' easter hahahaha, i'm tell ya its god cursing me for sneaking gulps of brandy in between the prayers. but yes somehow i suddenly wanted to cram in as much winter items as i could before the california heat made itself permanently comfortable. plus i'm still madly in love with my leopard tights.

p.s. i CANNOT wait until all the peeps go on sale! my brothers and i have this tradition of stuffing our faces to see who wins the mini video-taped championship of the gore-worthy marshmallow pieces.  seriously cannot wait.


Daphne said...

Uh, could you look cuter in these? Those boots are great, and yes- the warm weather will soon set in and make us forget it was ever cold!

Couture said...

Cool outfit! I nominated you for the Sunhsine Award! More info on my blog!!


J. said...

I'm glad it was cold so I got to see you in this beautiful coat! Ever since I've moved to Texas, I don't really get to wear pretty winter coats...You look great!

Hannah said...

haha i want to see a peeps eating contest that would be amazing! i love the coat it reminds me of almost famous a little...

rachel red lips said...

hey there! thanks for the lovely comment.

so, do you mean vegetarian omelets or vegan "tofu" omelet? i used to LOVE eggs, and still really miss them. If you're looking to eat more veggies I'd definitely try kale, mustard greens, and other leafy greens. They're so delicious! Also, asparagus is now on sale! Other faves include, tomatoes, broccoli, onion, radish, sprouts, and portobello mushrooms...all of which would be divine in an omelet!

Anonymous said...

Super cute spring leopard. Love it. xo Mish


Nika said...

very cute tights

Robyn said...

haha... I love the peeps contest. We turn down all the lights, crowd in front of the microwave, and nuke peeps until just before they touch the side of the microwave. Yay for Easter traditions.

chrisjinkim said...

love the tights!

Anonymous said...

nice coat
and nice blog by the way
