
princesses with plastic crowns.

harpers & queen. 

gazing through these photographs made me long terribly for the atlantic ocean and long lost romance we all secretly leave behind when we make the painful decision to grow up. the enviously full lips, the bittersweet romanticism and the antique lace leaves me nostalgic for a time when fairy tales were reality and princesses had plastic toys'r'us crowns. 

aaaaaand yes a little bit of a russian fairy-tale from alexander rybak. 
america's disney sweethearts have nothing on him...nothin'!  


S. Kahlon said...

An educated and eloquent post about an editorial! Hallelujah!


Daphne said...

Everything about this post is JUST RIGHT. And her makeup in those photos makes me want to imitate it immediately- even though it's 1:30am and I'm in pajamas....

Vinda Sonata said...

those eds are fab! thanks for sharing the inspiration. i love seeing beautiful eds!

J. said...

These are so pretty, so dreamy! Love the feel they give off...

Hannah said...

these photographs are doing nothing to stop my obsession with maxi dresses!

Louisa et Nam said...

very nice editorial! i love the white jacket.


Anonymous said...

Omg im in love with these pics:)

Factory Girl

The Queen of Hearts said...

I'd love to be a princess, living in a castle by the Atlantic Ocean -- but only if I can have her clothing and bee stung lips.


JadeRose said...

Model looks just like a porcellain doll. Love this, so very etheral :)

Unknown said...

love the photos, they are so pretty and so story-like. lets imagination fly.